Rolling through History
Grand Opening of the Historic Barn
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Part 4 of 4

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Part 1.  Musicians, speakers meet, Wildwooders Barbershop Quartet, park and guest speakers.
Part 2.  Ribbon cutting by Hank Weston and park leaders, holdup by Black Bart, sing along.
Part 3.  Living History activities: barn, gas station, hot dogs and treats, gold panning, wagon rides.
Part 4*.  Wagon rides (6 photos), barn tours (4 pictures), Mary Lindberg and Craig, cute kids.

Settled in for the ride across the covered bridge and back along the Virginia Turnpike.

The drivers are ready to go.

On their way.

Meanwhile, visitors continue to stream through the barn and come out smiling.

Here comes that wagon, back from the covered bridge.  Note black horses.

Dick Alexander interprets the wagons with visitors, and here the hay press.

Donna Jones points out a wagon feature.  Dump wagon on left, freight wagons on right.
Click here for more about the barn and each and every wagon in the exhibit, plus the hay press and Jackson hay fork.

This couple examines the metal-lined dump wagon.

Jack Broomfield of Lake Wildwood's Channel 95 provides video coverage of the event.

Mary Lindberg and our older son Craig Lindberg, who lives in Nevada City.

Wagon rides continue non stop.

Cowgirl and cowboy. 

Continuous wagon rides are made possible by two pairs of horses, one black and these brown.

The main part of the day's photo coverage taken inside the barn has been integrated into an On-line Tour of the Barn and Wagon Exhibit.  The tour includes inside and outside pictures of the barn and enough pictures of each and every wagon to describe their features, typical of wagons in the 1850 to 1915 era.  The hay press and Jackson hay fork are similarly described.

The barn opening celebration depicted on these four web pages is also posted as an 11-minute video slide show, with full-screen high-resolution pictures and zooms and pans to see even more detail.  Musical background is by the Joyful Strings, featuring Tim Kretzmann and Rick Toles.

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