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Herb Lindberg
Based on botanical names and descriptions from the SYRPA Wildflower Committee

The Bridgeport section of the South Yuba River State Park ranges in elevation from about 600 to 1000 feet and includes four designated trails: Buttermilk Bend, Point Defiance Loop, Kneebone Beach, and Cemetery-Kentucky Creek.  An April 2002 combined list by Chet Blackburn, Mary Miller, Marya Miller (docents) and Karen Callahan of the Redbud Chapter of the California Native Plant Society identifies 220 flowering plants on these trails.  This is a reasonably digestible list compared with the approximately 30,000 flowing plants cataloged by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).  The local scope (and hence small number) of Bridgeport flowering plants has allowed docents to post photo placards that identify plants on the Buttermilk Bend trail.

Typically, placards are placed for less than half these 220 identified plants, but those posted include the most frequently seen by visitors and the ones which contribute most of the spectacular display of Spring wildflowers.  The web pages here include descriptions and photos for 89 Bridgeport wildflowers, which includes nearly all of the placard-identified plants.

The table below lists these 89 in the same order as in the free Wildflower Committee legal-size-folded pamphlet, and in turn in the full-color booklet available in the Visitor Center and in a similar nine-page letter-size version here. The flower images in the printable Internet version are 200 pixels wide, large enough to see the flowers but not with much detail and with none of the descriptive material in the free pamphlet.  Larger images (nominally 800 pixels wide and/or 600 pixels tall) plus descriptive material are linked from the table below, which again follows the Wildflower Committee listing scheme.  Full-screen, high definition images in a video zoom and pan format are presented in a 13-minute movie with music by Debussy and Mozart.

To see the 800-pixel-image pages, click on the entries in the Photo column.  In addition to photos and plant descriptions, these pages include the complete classification, from Kingdom (plant) to Species, taken from the USDA PLANTS website (a few Bridgeport plants are not listed by USDA).  In the classification list for each plant you can click on the species name to jump to the USDA site opened to that plant and delve much deeper into the plant's description, including a direct link to CalPhotos for that plant.  Further information can be found by electronically copying the botanical name (highlight the name and then press ctrl and "c" at the same time) and pasting it (ctrl "v") into a Google search.  Finally, you can jump directly to the Jepson Manual treatment for each plant by clicking on the Botanical Name in the table below. This gives the characteristics of the family, genus, and species, and a map of where the plant is found in California.

Many will prefer to start from thumbnail pictures of the plants rather than simply their names in the following list.  Then you can go to details about a flower of interest by clicking on its thumnail.  This has the disadvantage that scrolling through even small thumbnails for 89 plants is a bit clumsy.  However, you should be able to jump to the 12-thumbnail groups containing your flowers of interest by noting that the thumbnails are given in the same order as in the list below, which is much faster to scroll.  This allows you, for example, to jump immediately to thumbnails for your flower color of interest.  The thumbnail page number on which each flower falls is given after the botanical name in the list below.  The first of each page number in the botanical name column is a link to that thumbnail page.  Or you can simply start at the first page of thumbnails (which is numbered 2 because it is the second printed page for a booklet), and jump to any of the others via a complete set of page links at the bottom of every page.

The photographs are largely by Herb Lindberg (HL), but the associations between the photographs and the flower names, and their descriptions, is entirely by the SYRPA Wildflower Committee.  For the most part, the descriptions were copied from the notes they use on wildflower walks, and then edited to give a consistent format here.


Season Common Name Botanical Name Family Photos
L Chinese Houses, Sticky  WC Collinsia tinctoria 2 Figwort 103_s155
M Cottonweed, Slender  HL Micropus californicus 2 Sunflower 104_1353
M Fairy Lantern (Globe Lily) HL Calochortus albus 2 Lily 105_1204
E Lace Pod  HL Thysanocarpus curvipes 2 Mustard 106_1037
E Miner's Lettuce  HL Claytonia perfoliata 2 Purslane 107_1021
E Morning Glory  JD Calystegia occidentalis 2 Morning glory 108_nt01
E Nemophila, Canyon  HL Nemophila heterophylla 2 Waterleaf 109_1043
M Phacelia, Caterpillar HL Phacelia cicutaria 2 Waterleaf 110_1116
L Phacelia, Vari-leaf  HL Phacelia heterophylla 2 Waterleaf 111_1246
E Popcorn Flower  HL Plagiobothrys nothofulvus 2 Borage  112_6142
E Saxifrage, California  HL Saxifraga Californica 2 Saxifrage 113_1089
M Silver Puff  HL Uropappus lindleyi 2 Sunflower 102_1173
E Shepherd's Purse  AB Capsella bursa-pastoris 3 Mustard


L Soap Plant  HL Chlorogalum pomeridianum 3 Lily 115_1164
M Star, Woodland  AH Lithophragma affine 3 Saxifrage 116_0020
M Yarrow, Common  HL Achillea millefolium 3 Sunflower 117_1404

Yellow / Orange

Season Common Name Botanical Name Family Photos
E Buttercup, Western  HL Ranunculus occidentalis 3 Buttercup 201_1108
M Clover, Little Hop  AB Trifolium dubium 3 Pea 202_nt03
M Dudleya, Canyon  HL Dudleya cymosa 3 Stonecrop  204_1217
E Fiddleneck  HL Amsinckia menziesii 3 Borage 205_6288
E Groundsel, Common  CW Senecio vulgaris 3 Sunflower 206_nt05
L Gumplant, Great Valley  HL Grindelia camporum 3 Sunflower 207_7259
L Hareleaf, Common  HL Lagophylla ramosissima 3 Sunflower 208_1352
M Johnny Tuck HL Triphysaria erianthus 4 Figwort 210_6371
E Lomatium, Foothill  HL Lomatium utriculatum 4 Carrot 212_1270
M Lotus, Hill  HL Lotus humistratus 4 Pea 213_1307
L Lotus, Silverleaf  HL Lotus argophyllus 4 Pea 214_1416
M Lupine, Harlequin HL Lupinus stiversii 4 Pea 215_2933
L Monkey Flower, Seep-spring  HL Mimulus guttatus 4 Figwort 217_7214
L Mule Ears  BH Wyethia angustifolia 4 Sunflower 218_bert
M Owl's Clover, Pallid  HL Castilleja lineariloba 4 Figwort 219_1412

Sorrel, Suksdorf's Wood  HL Oxalis sucksdorfii 4 Wood-Sorrel 220_1086
M Pea, Sulpher  HL Lathyrus sulphureus 4 Pea 221_1247
M Pineapple Weed  HL Chamomilla suaveolens 4 Sunflower 222_6448
E Poppy, Tufted  AH Eschscholzia caespitosa 5 Poppy 223_0027
M Pretty Face  HL Triteleia ixioides 5 Lily 224_1234
M Pseudobahia, Foothill  HL Pseudobahia heermannii 5 Sunflower 225_6299
L Scarlet Pimpernel  HL Anagallis arvensis 5 Primrose 227_1240
M Sunflower, Woolly  HL Eriophyllum lanatum 5 Sunflower 228_2844
L Thistle, Yellow Star  JSP Centaurea solstitialis 5 Sunflower 231_nJSP

Red / Pink

Season Common Name Botanical Name Family Photos
M Baby Stars  HL Linanthus bicolor 5 Phlox 301_6300
M Carnation, Wild  HL Petrorhagia dubia 5 Pink 302_1161
L Clarkia, Bilobed  WC Clarkia biloba 5 Evening Primrose 303_s152
L Clarkia, Elegant  HL Clarkia unguiculata 5 Evening Primrose 304_7264
M Clarkia, Winecup  WC Clarkia purpurea 6 Evening Primrose 305_s153
M Clover, Rosy  HL Trifolium hirtum 6 Pea 306_1413
L Clover, Tom Cat  HL Trifolium willdenovii 6 Pea 307_1289
E Filaree, Red-stem  HL Erodium cicutarium 6 Geranium 308_1360
E Geranium, Dove's Foot  HL Geranium molle 6 Geranium 309_1226
M Lily, Twining Snake  HL Dichelostemma volubile 6 Lily 310_3731
M Mallow, Checker  WC Sidalcea hartwegii 6 Mallow 311_s166
M Pink, Indian  HL Silene californica 6 Pink 313_1239
E Red Maids  HL Calandrinia ciliata 6 Purslane family 314_6119
E Storksbill, Long-beaked  HL Erodium botrys 6 Geranium 316_1236

Violet / Purple

Season Common Name Botanical Name Family Photos
E Blue Dicks  HL Dichelostemma capitatum 7 Lily 401_1027
L Brodiaea, Elegant  HL Brodiaea elegans 7 Lily 402_7269
M Chinese Houses, Purple  HL Collinsia heterophylla 7 Figwort 403_1309
L Daisy, Narrow-leaved  DM Erigeron foliosus 7 Sunflower 404_dave
M Gilia, Bird's Eye  HL Gilia tricolor 7 Phlox 405_1232
M Gilia, Globe  WC Gilia capitata 7 Phlox 406_s168
L Hyacinth, Wild  DM Dichelostemma multiflorum 7 Lily 407_3724
E Iris, Bowl-tubed  HL Iris macrosiphon 3 Iris 209_1358
E Larkspur, Zig-Zag  HL Delphinium patens 7 Buttercup  408_1035
M Lupine, Douglas’s HL Lupinus nanus 7 Pea 409_5381
M Lupine, Miniature  HL Lupinus bicolor 7 Pea 410_1244
M Lupine, Narrow-leaved  HL Lupinus benthamii 7 Pea 411_1424
M Milkweed, Purple  HL Asclepias cordifolia 7 Milkweed 412_6275
M Penstemon, Foothill  HL Penstemon heterophyllus 8 Figwort 413_2849
E Sanicle, Purple  HL Sanicula bipinnatifida 8 Carrot 415_1117
E Shooting Star  HL Dodecatheon hendersonii 8 Primrose 416_1093
L Thistle  AB Cirsium occidentale sp. 8 Sunflower 417_ntAB
E Vetch,  Spring  HL Vicia sativa 8 Pea 418_6408
M Vetch, Winter  HL Vicia villosa 8 Pea 419_0753
M Wally Basket  HL Triteleia laxa 8 Lily 420_1168

Shrubs / Vines

Season Common Name Botanical Name Family Photos
M Broom, Scotch  WC Cytisus scoparius 8 Pea 601_s160
L Blackberry, Himalayan HL Rubus discolor 8 Rose 602_7273
L Buckeye, California  HL Aesculus Californica 9 Buckeye 603_7229
E Cucumber, Wild  HL Marah fabaceus 9 Gourd 604_6096
M Deer Brush  AB Ceanothus integerrimus 9 Buckthorn 605_ntAB
L Elderberry, Blue  CW Sambucus mexicana 9 Honeysuckle 606_nt20
M Lupine, Bush  HL Lupinus albifrons 9 Pea 607_1220
E Manzanita, Whiteleaf  AH Arctostaphylos viscida 9 Heath 608_0036
M Monkey Flower, Bush  HL Mimulus aurantiacus 9 Figwort 609_2833
E Oak, Poison  HL Toxicodendron diversilobum 9 Sumac 610_pOak
M Osage Orange Maclura pomifera Mulberry 6ex_1460
E Pipe Vine  HL Aristolochia californica 9 Birthwort 611_6761
U Redberry  DM Rhamnus crocea 9 Buckthorn 612_dave
E Redbud, Western  HL Cercis occidentalis 8 Pea 613_1189
L Spice Bush  HL Calycanthus occidentalis 9 Sweet shrub 615_7242
L Snowdrop Bush  HL Styrax officinalis 9 Storax 616_5380


References For Plant Descriptions and Uses
(as given on plant description pages)

1. Balls, Edward K, Early Uses of California Plants, U. of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, Ca., 1962.

2. Sweet, Muriel, Common Edible and Useful Plants of the West, Naturegraph Publishers, Inc., Happy Camp, Ca., 1976.

3. Keator, Glenn, Linda Yamane, and Ann Lewis, In Full View, Three Ways of Seeing California Plants, Heyday Books, Berkeley, Ca., 1995.

4. Tilford, Gregory L., Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West, Mountain Press, Missoula, Montana, 1997.

5. Blackwell, Laird R., Wildflowers of the Sierra Nevada and the Central Valley, Lone Pine Pub., Edmonton, AB Canada, Vancouver, BC Canada, Renton, WA, 1999.

6. United States Department of Agriculture Website, Plants Database and Classification:
 http://plants.usda.gov/index.html, used as of March, 2007.

7. Calflora, information on wild California plants, database, photographs, plant names:
 http://www.calflora.org/, used as of March, 2007.

8. CalPhotos—Plants; 80,813 images of plants in a searchable database, U.C. Berkeley:
 http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/flora/, used as of March, 2007.  

9. University and Jepson Herbaria, U.C. Berkeley, http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/, used as of April 2007.

