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Park Headquarters and Visitor Center
Herb Lindberg

The visitor center is always a work in progress, with volunteers adding new displays and upgrading existing ones.  Volunteers also serve at a sales counter where many nature publications and maps can be purchased and free brochures obtained.  All profits from sales are used by the SYR Park Association to enhance the park and encourage visitors to return.  The South Yuba River State Park ranger station is in the same building as the visitor center, and fully-plumbed rest rooms are out back.

The Barn and Park Headquarters viewed from high up on a side road
on the other side of the river. The modern Pleasant Valley Road
bridge is on the left and Wood's bridge peeks out on the right.

Park Headquarters / Visitors Center viewed from the road between it and The Barn

A cheerful greeting and a wide variety of items are available at the sales counter.

Pictures, displays, and information books, viewed from the sales counter


Similar view, bustling with activity on Ghosts of Bridgeport Day


Scale model of Wood's bridge, and our recently-added bear.

Native American life at Bridgeport, long before Wood's bridge was built
