Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Part 1 of 2
Today, South Yuba River State Park volunteers, Empire Mine trail maintenance crew, and local contractor and member of the Penn Valley Chamber of commerce George Case and his crew took another step toward a grand opening of the Historic Barn as the centerpiece of the Bridgeport Transportation Center. They carried in and spread a huge pile of decomposed granite with shovels, wheelbarrows, rakes, and even gloved hands, to form the new floor around the thirteen Gold Rush era wagons that were already in place. Taking pictures was like climbing around a bee hive and attempting to capture the busy bees' activities without disturbing them. The intensity of activity was a sight to behold. Pictures here are simply in chronological order, except for the first two, which were taken last from Pleasant Valley Road. Click on the thumbnail below to see the action in a full-screen ultra-high-definition video slide show.
Overview of a part of the wheelbarrow crew at the decomposed granite pile. |
Closer view of seven wheelbarrows being filled and rolled into the barn. |
Up close and personal at the decomposed granite
pile. |
Decomposed granite flies off Steve Herndon's shovel. |
Diane Marten even drafted her grandson, Eli Ransdell, into the shovel crew. |
Inside the barn, as many workers are shoveling and
spreading as are filling wheelbarrows outside, |
Rakes are also in skillful evidence. |
Bill Haselhorst spreads granite between two wagons. |
Only Jim's belly squirming and hands could spread granite under the low wagons. |
Be happy in your work. |
Meanwhile, shovels are still flying at the granite pile; George Case at rear. |
Dave is also happy in his work. |
Not much room for wheelbarrows, much less a wobbly-legged photographer! |