2012 Bridgeport Fall Festival -- Ghosts Return to Bridgeport
Herb Lindberg
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Part 1 of 3


As for all Bridgeport festival events (Spring and Fall), I photographed what appeared to be interesting topics but made no attempt to photograph all of the many activities.  For this you are invited to view pictures of several of the events over the years to capture more of their scope.  A poster near the restored Kneebone gas station lists all of the activities in progress this year.  It is the first photo below.  Click on Ragged but Right to view three photos of this band, which performed again this year.  These will open in a separate tab which you can close to return.

     Page 1 Model T Ford, Balloon sculpting for children, big balloon tied to her boot, Bear-
Yuba Land Trust table, crafts table, soil composting with worms.
     Page 2 Girl holds tongue just right to cut bat wings, boy shows his paper bat, Mark Lyon summons ghosts in the barn, Victoria Kneebone rises from her coffin, and tells of her life, Magician Nick Fedoroff does a trick, Yankee Jims hung from the rafters, jams and jellies for sale, Grandma's Knits and pine needle baskets for sale.
     Page 3 Artificial flowers in baskets for sale, gourds, Gourd Lady Chris Sciarini, wagon rides, witch costume, choosing and buying ice cream, Diane Marten and owl puppet, visitor center bear eyes girl's ice cream, best costumes.

Activities in progress throughout the 11 am to 4 pm festival day.

1919 Model T Ford

Turning radius like driving a golf cart.

50 second video of the car in action on this day

After a brief summary of how to run the car, Grover Cleveland drives his Ford
down the winding road to Bridgeport on a previous occasion.

Making free balloons.

A pink flower for their little daughter.

A black sword for the son.

Cute girl reaches for her yellow flower balloon.

Happy mother and curious daughter.

Helium balloon tied to her boot.

She gets ready to move on.

Allison Dawson (Conservation Program Assistant) promotes the Bear-Yuba Land Trust.

At the crafts table.

A docent shows guests how to taste a worm compost bowl.
It was really ground Oreo cookies with gummy worm candy, to get children to dig down and see how worms do their work.

     Page 1 Model T Ford, Balloon sculpting for children, big balloon tied to her boot, Bear-
Yuba Land Trust table, crafts table, soil composting with worms.
     Page 2 Girl holds tongue just right to cut bat wings, boy shows his paper bat, Mark Lyon summons ghosts in the barn, Victoria Kneebone rises from her coffin, and tells of her life, Magician Nick Fedoroff does a trick, Yankee Jims hung from the rafters, jams and jellies for sale, Grandma's Knits and pine needle baskets for sale.
     Page 3 Artificial flowers in baskets for sale, gourds, Gourd Lady Chris Sciarini, wagon rides, witch costume, choosing and buying ice cream, Diane Marten and owl puppet, visitor center bear eyes girl's ice cream, best costumes.
